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Items that have helped me over the years

Beginning Chords                                 Circle of Fifths                                     Kent chords

Barre chords                                                                    Circle of Fifths 1                                                           Altered dominant

Beginning chords                                                           Circle of Fifths 2                                                           Middle four strings - 5th string root

Jazzy chords                                                                   Circle of Fifths 3                                                           Middle four strings - 6th string root

More advanced chords                                                   Key signatures 1                                                         Top four strings - 5th string root

                                                                                         Key signatures 2                                                         Top four strings - 6th string root

Kent's favorites                                       Scale Clusters

The art of practicing                                                       Seven cluster audio file  (takes time to load)

Chord families                                                                  Diatonic modes starting from 3rd string

Kent's daily routine                                                         Diatonic modes starting from 4th string

Fretboard                                                                           Diatonic modes starting from the 5th string

Fretboard intervals                                                          Diatonic modes starting from the 6th string.

Interval songs




Perfect practice

Triad inversions

Should You Be Practicing?

Triad Magic